Section 1: Personal Details

Section 2: School Details
Enter School Roll above or enter "None" if you are retired

Please tick as many boxes as are appropriate to your context:

Special Education Classes in your school – ASD, Speech and Language, Learning Disabilities – please specify number and type

Section 3: Preferences
Please state the preferred geographic area/counties in which you would be available to mentor to a new principal

CSL organises photos and video clips of Professional Learning Days. This includes photos and videos of speakers, workshops and activities. Your image may be included in these recordings. The team then uses these photos and videos to:
  • a. Record events in the photo gallery section and home page of the CSL website
  • b. Provide resources for mentors in the Mentors’ Area of the website
  • c. Tweet images of the Professional Learning Days from the CSL Twitter account
We wish to seek your permission for the possible use of your image for the reasons listed above and to adhere to GDPR regulations. I wish to give my permission to the CSL team to use my image from photos and videos recorded at CSL events on the CSL website and on Twitter. Please tick the box provided if you wish to give your permission.

CSL is funded by the Teacher Education Section (TES) of the Department of Education (DE)
This service is managed by Clare Education Centre.